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19.10.2021-Ενημερωτική Συνάντηση: Πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος και υποβολή προτάσεων για την εφαρμογή του προγράμματος «Υποστήριξη ευθυγράμμισης με τους κανόνες της εσωτερικής αγοράς της ΕΕ» για τη Σερβία
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Χώρα αναφοράς: ΣΕΡΒΙΑ
Ημερομηνία: 18/10/2021
Έκδοση: Γραφείο Ο.Ε.Υ. Βελιγραδίου
Κείμενο: Ref. Ares(2021)6260927 - Information session - Relaunch - EU Support to Competitiveness of Serbia’s Economy: Call for expressions of interest and submission of a concept note to implement a facility, “Support to alignment with EU internal market rules” AGENDA 12.00h - 12.20h Head of Operation – Section II: Opening, i.e. presenting general picture on IPA and on EU support to competitiveness 12.20h - 12.30h Procurement Officer: Procedures and legal basis for the call for expression of interest 12.30h - 13.00h Beneficiaries presenting priorities 13.00h - 14.00h Q&A -- Do not delete or change any of the following text. -- When it's time, join your Webex meeting here. Join meeting More ways to join: Join from the meeting link https://eeas.webex.com/eeas/j.php?MTID=m2249e079b7df5478f066824ed3ed6a83 Join by meeting number Meeting number (access code): 2732 741 2467 Meeting password: spF6MU3mta7 Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) +32-262-00867,,27327412467## Belgium Toll +1-650-215-5226,,27327412467## United States Toll Join by phone +32-262-00867 Belgium Toll +1-650-215-5226 United States Toll Global call-in numbers Join from a video system or application Dial 27327412467@eeas.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join using Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business Dial 27327412467.eeas@lync.webex.com If you are a host, click here to view host information.
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